Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Tech Savvy Genealogists' Meme - Cheryl Bailey

Cheryl Bailey has taken up my offer to post responses to The Tech Savvy Genealogists' Meme here on the GeniMates blog.

Thanks, Cheryl, for emailing your responses to the meme. A full list of responses can be found at The Tech Savvy Genies

Hi Jill

Here is my response to your meme. 30/50 Not quite on the pulse but not too bad all things considered. Thanks for keeping me so well informed what's happening in the Genie world.


The Tech Savvy Genealogists' Meme

The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
Feel free to add extra comments in brackets after each item

Which of these apply to you?
  1. Own an Android or Windows tablet or an iPad
  2. Use a tablet or iPad for genealogy related purposes
  3. Have used Skype to for genealogy purposes
  4. Have used a camera to capture images in a library/archives/ancestor's home
  5. Use a genealogy software program on your computer to manage your family tree
  6. Have a Twitter account
  7. Tweet daily
  8. Have a genealogy blog
  9. Have more then one genealogy blog
  10. Have lectured/presented to a genealogy group on a technology topic
  11. Currently an active member of Genealogy Wise
  12. Have a Facebook Account
  13. Have connected with genealogists via Facebook
  14. Maintain a genealogy related Facebook Page
  15. Maintain a blog or website for a genealogy society
  16. Have submitted text corrections online to Ancestry, Trove or a similar site
  17. Have registered a domain name
  18. Post regularly to Google+
  19. Have a blog listed on Geneabloggers
  20. Have transcribed/indexed records for FamilySearch or a similar project
  21. Own a Flip-Pal or hand-held scanner
  22. Can code a webpage in .html
  23. Own a smartphone
  24. Have a personal subscription to one or more paid genealogy databases
  25. Use a digital voice recorder to record genealogy lectures
  26. Have contributed to a genealogy blog carnival
  27. Use Chrome as a Browser
  28. Have participated in a genealogy webinar
  29. Have taken a DNA test for genealogy purposes
  30. Have a personal genealogy website
  31. Have found mention of an ancestor in an online newspaper archive
  32. Have tweeted during a genealogy lecture
  33. Have scanned your hardcopy genealogy files
  34. Use an RSS Reader to follow genealogy news and blogs
  35. Have uploaded a gedcom file to a site like Geni, MyHeritage or Ancestry
  36. Own a netbook
  37. Use a computer/tablet/smartphone to take genealogy lecture notes
  38. Have a profile on LinkedIn that mentions your genealogy habit
  39. Have developed a genealogy software program, app or widget
  40. Have listened to a genealogy podcast online
  41. Have downloaded genealogy podcasts for later listening
  42. Backup your files to a portable hard drive
  43. Have a copy of your genealogy files stored offsite
  44. Know about Rootstech
  45. Have listened to a Blogtalk radio session about genealogy
  46. Use Dropbox, SugarSync or other service to save documents in the cloud
  47. Schedule regular email backups
  48. Have contriibuted to the Familysearch Wiki
  49. Have scanned and tagged your genealogy photographs
  50. Have published a genealogy book in an online/digital format

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith

Dr Bill is a busy boy. He is an active contributor to social networking sites including the new Google+ as well as a regular blogger.

I am chuffed that he made time to respond to my GeniMates questions, Thanks Bill.

Date: 9 Sep 2011

Name: Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith

Born and raised in Coon Rapids, Iowa (prior to college); lived all over the United States; currently reside in Hollister, near Branson, MO.

Hobbyist vs. Profession Genealogist ( I do not do genealogy work for others for pay)

I have been 'chasing my ancestors' - casually since mid-1970s; seriously since 1995.

My wife and I each had 'family tree' materials passed along to us in the 1970s from others (her mother, my aunt and parents). At the time, we developed interest but 'life' got in the way - three daughters and work prevented committing time or other resources to it. By 1995, we had more control of our time and resources, and made a personal commitment to begin "filling in the gaps" and to begin to "solve the mysteries" as well as travel to sites around the U.S. where our ancestors had lived.

Since June 2009 I am officially retired as Professor Emeritus from my University. I now read, write and research where my interests take me. I have published two novels with a third and fourth well underway. Besides my (several) blogs I write on two (weekly) topics for Springfield Genealogy Examiner and Ozarks Cultural Heritage Examiner. (Ozarks is the mountainous region we live in consisting in parts of Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma).

What are the lands of my ancestors?

My maternal grandmother was born in  Denmark. I just learned who her grandparents were (all four), so I completed identification of my 'round of 16!' My paternal grandfather (Smith/Schmidt/Schmitt) was born in Alsace-Lorraine (France/Germany). His wife was born in Sweden. One third-great-grandfather was born in Ireland. All the rest of my lines go back to U.K., including Wales. Several lines are very long in the USA.

What Family Names are you Researching?

KINNICK is the surname I've done the most with. I have a KINNICK Surname Blog. I've published, in 2003, an online 900+ page update of a 1953 KINNICK family history.

From page two of my Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories blog, these are my family names, thru 3rd GGparents, plus a few:

Butler, Carle, Christensen*,  Duncan, Fad, Kinnick/Kennick, Krag, Miller, Mortensdatter,  Nielsen*, Preston, Rolen/Rolin, Simmons, Smith/Schmitt, Soderstrom, Sorensen, Williams

*Same line - Danish naming convention explains difference.

Additional lines researched, further back:

Firestone, Jones, Kimmerling, Kirk, Lee, Schwyhart, Vesterstrom

Who is your favorite ancestor? Why?

Cannot do one - I'll hold to three, briefly:
1) James P. Preston - paternal grandmother's father - my aunt said, "We don't know much about my grandfather." NOT. She knew, but didn't want to share. He 'abandoned' his four children - in her viewpoint. My wife and I have very much enjoyed learning his story: California gold fields, Montana rancher, wealthy and poor… interesting stories.
2) John Butler - my Irish 3rd GGfather - fought in Rev War - many gaps in his history in early frontier days - at Hull's surrender of Detroit in 1803, etc.
3) William Kinnick - Sergeant Major in Revolutionary War - I'm working on a non-fiction book on him and his times.

What is your favorite resource for genealogy?
The one that has the record I'm looking for!! I use every resource I can locate.

Genealogy Files
I keep a lot of paper files, but, I primarily use Reunion software on my Mac for my family database. I've used several PC and Mac softwares over the years.

I've historically published my database on Rootsweb; I've recently begun participating on WikiTree - that will continue.

Social Networking
I use Facebook, Google+, and Twitter (for outbound only).

My primary blog is Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories [], others are linked there.

Other interests
Wife, three adult daughters, two sons-in-law, two grandchildren (boy 7 - girl 4) - reading and writing - photography.

I encourage others to record and share the family history information they discover; and, be sure to examine and understand the social history of the time and place your ancestors lived.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Kylie Willison

When she participated in my recent meme challenge to Australian geneabloggers I realised that I had not yet asked Kylie to submit a profile to Genimates.

I thank Kylie for her support of my efforts and for responding so swiftly to my plea for a GeniMates profile.

Date: 7/9/2011
Name: Kylie Willison
Hometown: Flaxley, South Australia now live in Adelaide, South Aust
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?

I haven't undertaken any genealogical studies.

How long have you been chasing ancestors? 6 years

How did you get hooked on genealogy?
I found an online family tree site and started filling in my tree and then wanted to know more, and more, and more.

What is your day job? Student

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
I love helping others with using their computer and the Internet.

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups:
I'm a member of the South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society.

What are the lands of your ancestors?

What Family Names are you Researching?

Scadden (Scaddan or 'on')

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?
One of my favourites is Ellen Mary Patten, formerly Welsh, nee Chamberlain. Ellen came to Australia with her sister when they were quite young, she survived a shipwreck, insolvency, living in city and country areas, the death of several of her children and her first husband and living hundreds of miles away from her family. What an amazing woman.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?
Scotland because I have ancestors from both sides of my family there.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?
My favourite resource would have to be Trove. There is so much information to find there besides the cold hard facts of births, deaths and marriages.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?

I use to record my family tree. My sister and I work on it together from time to time and this way we both have access. I also download a gedcom file of the tree to take with me on my Android phone. I use Family Bee on the phone.

Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?
Ancestry, Facebook, Other

Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
I'm currently studying Cert IV in Textile Arts so this keeps me very busy.

What is your favourite leisure time activity apart from genealogy?

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?

Currently Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden

What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?

I follow Jesus.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rosemary Jones

I stumbled across Rosemary's blog earlier this year and have since noticed her efforts in the Australian and British Groups on Facebook where she provides assistance to fellow genealogists.

I am grateful to this expat Aussie for sharing her profile on GeniMates.

Date: 5/9/2011
Name:  Rosemary Jones
Hometown:  Sydney, NSW living in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?  Hobbyist
What is your day job? Retired

 What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
I attend local seminars and watch any webinars that strike my fancy.

 How long have you been chasing ancestors?
5 years or so.

How did you get hooked on genealogy?
After my father died I found that he had sent for the index entries for his aunts and uncles in Victoria. He also had a brief note from his sister stating what she knew of their grandfather. 

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
I'm most familiar with English and Australian Genealogy and within those areas I'm pretty much of a generalist.

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups:
I'm a member of the Tulsa Genealogical Society and participate in the Facebook Groups for English and Australian Genealogy.

 What are the lands of your ancestors?
England on both sides of the family, with perhaps a little Scotland and Ireland thrown into the mix. 

What Family Names are you Researching?
My direct lines are Tissott, Sutherland, Bull, Brothers, Reeder and Barnard but I'll happily delve into the in-laws and shirt-tail cousins.

 Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?
This week it has to be Isaac Williamson, a particularly bad lot out of Aberdeen, Scotland, transported to Van Diemen's Land for Assault and Battery. I always find the bad boys of interest because they leave a lot of documentation of their doings. 

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?
This would probably be Great Ellingham in Norfolk where my grandmother Sarah Reeder and her family lived for a number of generations. 

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?
Ancestry, followed by FindMyPast and FamilySearch. 

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? No
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes 

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?
Family Tree Maker 2011 

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  No 

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?
Ancestry, Facebook, Other 

Do you have a blog?   Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What is your favourite leisure time activity apart from genealogy?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Cupboard is Bare

I am so grateful to those genealogists who have taken the time to submit profiles to the GeniMates blog. I know that your fellow GeniMates enjoy reading about you.

I have now reached the stage where the cupboard is bare -  I have no more profiles up my sleeve.   I have asked around 90 people to submit profiles, some have responded that they are not in a position to do so - I understand and thenk them for their responses. Some have promised to submit a profile - I hope that when they have a few minutes to spare they will submit their profile and around 25 have not responded to my invitation as of yet. I have a few more names on my list and will contact them over the next few days.

If you have any suggestions for genealogists (especially from The British Isles) to profile please let me have their contact details and I will write to them.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Helen V Smith

I have yet to meet Australian genealogist, Helen Smith, but feel as if I know her reasonably well due to her activity on social networking sites and as a blogger. I appreciate Helen's responses to my posts in various forums.

Hopefully some day soon our paths will cross. Maybe someone in Sydney will invite Helen down to give some of her medically flavoured genealogy talks.

Thanks to this very busy lady for sharing her profile on GeniMates.

Date: June 2011
Name: Helen V Smith
Hometown: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Both

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
Halfway through a Certificate in Genealogical Studies-English Records with National Institute of Genealogical Studies,Informally I read everything I can and subscribe to most family history magazines. There is so much information available now reading people’s blogs. I listen to as many podcasts as possible (my iPod Touch is my great friend while driving) and while travelling for work. I learn from webinars. I attend as many conferences and presentations as work and finances will allow. I know you never stop learning and it is so much fun!

How long have you been chasing ancestors?
Since 1986

How did you get hooked on genealogy?
My Mother lamented the fact she had never known her Grandfather, George Howard Busby. I decided to see what I could find out, found some information and a newspaper photo of him, became hooked and have been addicted ever since.

What is your day job?
Molecular epidemiologist

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
Queensland, Kent, Oxfordshire, England, Medical History and One Name Studies

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups:
  •  I have been a member of Genealogical Society of Queensland since late 1980’s and have been a Committee member. 
  • I have been a member of Southern Suburbs Branch of Genealogical society of Queensland since round 1998 and have been a committee member for many of those years.
  • I am currently a member of Queensland Family History Society, Oxfordshire FHS Society, Kent FHS, Society of Genealogists and the Guild of One Name Studies (registered name Quested) and am currently the Queensland Regional Representative for the Guild.

What are the lands of your ancestors?
Australia, England and Ireland

What Family Names are you Researching?
Quested, Amos, Busby, Carter, Courtenay, Culley, Cullicoat, Drury, Evans, Feeny,Filmer, Hamer, Howard, Jelley, Joy, Lewis, Longley, Meridith, Millen, Morgan, Moyle, Nicholls, Philpott, Plumridge, Robinson, Rollason, Smith, Spargo, Spear, Weeks, White, Wills

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?
Depends who I am researching at the time but I always have a soft spot for George Howard Busby, first because he was the cause of my starting family history so we started this addiction together and secondly because he did so many interesting things. He joined the Cape Mounted Rifles in the Boer War, was in the 15th Battalion at Gallipoli, as well had served in the Ambulance Brigade and the Fire Brigade. He also worked as a Press photographer in late 1920-early 1930s.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?
I have been lucky enough to visit most of my ancestral areas except the family areas in Ireland. Ancestral memory may linger as I felt instantly at home in Coombe , Oxfordshire where the Busby family pretty much were related to everyone in the village.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?
Hmm very hard to pick just one. Trove in Australia, GENUKI in England,FamilySearch and then there are the pay sites for many of which I have subscriptions.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?
The Master Genealogist and also use Legacy

Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL? Currently on Ancestry

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?
• Ancestry• Facebook• GenealogyWise• LinkedIn• MyHeritage• Twitter

Do you have a blog? Several
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
Writing, reading, playing with new tech toys, social history, medical history

What is your favourite leisure time activity apart from genealogy?

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?
Have too many to list. Books have been favoured companions for many years and have over ten thousand at home. I read everything except horror.

What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?
Do your best, live life to the fullest. Pay it forward.

If you have anything else to share please add it below.
Life is a journey linked from the past to the future. Live it, enjoy it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Kathleen Fanning

We move back downunder for our next GeniMates profile.

Kathleen also completed her profile about the time I was setting off overseas so I apologise to Kathleen for sitting on it for quite a while.

I have been following Kathleen's blog for some time now and really enjoy her well-researched and thoughtful posts.

It is an honour to be able to publish Kathleen's profile.

Date July 2011
Name Kathleen Fanning
Hometown NSW Australia
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist
What is your day job? Teacher

How long have you been chasing ancestors? About four years

How did you get hooked on genealogy?
My father used to tell us about his family when I was growing up and I gradually got more and more interested in my ancestry. I was lucky in that I knew exactly where in Ireland the Fannings came from. A second cousin of mine had also done a family tree and her family still live in the original homestead in Bulla Victoria. They held a family reunion there and had lots of original documents and photos. This kindled my interest. Although thinking about it ,probably the main factor has been the internet. It is now so easy and quick to trace a family history compared with a few years ago. This is especially true with Victorian ancestry.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
I have taught myself using internet resources and some books.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
I have specialized in Ireland and particularly North Tipperary around Thurles where my ancestors came from.

What are the lands of your ancestors?
On my father's side they all came from Ireland: Co Tipperary, Co Limerick, Co Galway, Co Down.
On my mother's side they came from England, Scotland and Ireland.

What Family Names are you Researching?
Fannin, Fanning, Sheehan, Hayes, Darmody, Skeehan, Gormley, Collins, Gribben, Dell, McSweeney, Cook, Collier, Knighton, Ledwidge, Ryan, Canavan, Mackey, Glass and more.

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?
One ancestor I am fascinated by is my ggrandmother on my mother's side. Growing up I was told both my ggrandparents had died during the Spanish Flu Epidemic. I had always imagined these very old fairly dowdy people in sensible coats. Then I discovered a photo of my ggrandmother, Annie McSweeney, and she was a stunner ! Nothing like I had imagined. I discovered she had an interesting and wild life having two husbands and having a child to the second while still married to the first. I wish I knew more about her.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?
I would like to visit Thurles Co Tipperary as this is where my Fanning ancestors were born and lived and I would also like to visit Cobh which is where they left for the colonies in 1841. I am planning a trip to Ireland in 2012.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?
Apart from the internet I use two books a lot: A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland by Brian Mitchell and the Index to the Townlands, and Towns, Parishes and Baronies of Ireland 1851. For starting out in Irish ancestry research I recommend John Grenham's Tracing Your Irish Ancestors.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?
Family Tree Maker 2011

Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?
Ancestry, Twitter, Google+

Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
Bush regeneration, gardening, kayaking, yoga, reading, photography

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

If you have anything else to share please add it below:

I have two trees on Rootsweb World Connect:

My maternal side, Knighton Family Tree

and my father's ancestry, Fannings From Tipperary

I also have these trees on

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Miles Meyer

I owe Miles a huge apology, although he submitted a profile in July I didn't manage to post it before my big trip. I actually came face-to-face with Miles in a Google+ Hangout last month, this exciting tool provides a great opportunity for genealogists to discuss issues face-to-face,

Thanks Miles, for sharing your profile, I have enjoyed reading it - what an interesting and varied bunch we genealogists are!

Date: 9 July, 2011
Name: Miles Meyer
Hometown: Originally from Ft. Loramie, Ohio but now live in Jacksonville, Florida

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist

What is your day job? Biologist with the US Fish & Wildlife Service

How long have you been chasing ancestors?
16 Years

How did you get hooked on genealogy?

One day I just started when I found an assignment I did back in 3rd grade where we compiled a pedigree chart. Since then I have spent about 2-4 hours each day researching either my genealogy or that of someone else. I think I enjoy the hunt and the great stories I find no matter who's family I am researching.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
Internet & new technologies. I have been an early adopter of many of the new tech toys. I am also a beta tester for several companies so I get to try out the new bells and whistles before others.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?

I am basically self taught. My profession as a scientist has provided me with the skills to do research and look for detailed information. I began learning more detailed genealogical research techniques when I was called as a Family History Consultant. After that I began learning by teaching.

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups.
I haven't formally become a member of any genealogy groups or societies. I frequently attend meetings of the local groups as an invited guest to talk about new products that are being tested.

What are the lands of your ancestors?
All my ancestors come from Germany.

What Family Names are you Researching?
I always enjoy this question since I don't have that many common names. Some of the names I am researching include: Westerheide, Garman, Mescher, Bielefeld, Aufderhaar, Wierwille, Gaier, Stueve, Mescher, Wesner, Bornhorst, Leugers, Schweiterman, Sacksteder, Roetgerman, and Meyer along with others.

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?
My favorite ancestor is my great grandfather Raymond Bernard Westerheide. Mainly becuase he was a booze runner during Prohibition in the US. There are some great stories from his life. Additionally, my favorite ancestor on my wife's family line is either Corydon Reeder or Willie Mae Harris. Corydon is interesting because he travelled from Ohio to Oregon, got married in Indiana and Iowa and then in Oregon, then moved to Wyoming during the 1800s. He must have had an interesting life. Willie Mae Harris is interesting because she had been married 4 times before she died at the age of 45.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?
Many of my wife's ancestors come from St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. I think that would be an interesting place to visit with all of its history.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?
My favorite resource currently is the website. The amount of information that is being added to this site each month is impressive. I know it is not as large or as user friendly as but I always direct people to it if they are starting since it is free and there is a wide variety of information there.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?
I currently use Ancestral Quest. My wife uses Legacy. But I also have Roots Magic, PAF, My Heritage Family Tree, Family Insight, Family Tree Maker, and several other programs installed so I can test them and speak about them.

Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL? It is posted in so many places that I have forgotten most of them. just google me and you will find some of them.

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?
Ancestry, Facebook, GenealogyWise, LinkedIn, MyHeritage

Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
I enjoy doing things with the Boy Scouts. I teach several BSA merit badge classes including Genealogy, Environmental Science, Fish & Wildlife Management, Plant Science, Bird Study, Soil & Water Conservation, and many others. I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking (no hills here in Florida), camping, canoeing. I also am a part time professor and enjoy teaching people about their environment.

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?
I like to take nature walks.

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?
Orson Scott Card's "Ender" Series

What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

If you have anything else to share please add it below:
I try to take every chance I can to continue learning.

GeniMates News.

I've had a wonderful five week break visiting Europe and the US. I had intended sourcing and publishing some GeniMate profiles while I was away but visiting and learning about new places just got in the way.

While dining with an American couple one night on board ship I mentioned that I was obsessed by genealogy. The wife of the couple said that she wanted to get started but that it would be difficult because of her Japanese Heritage. I mentioned that I had a contact that might just be able to give her some assistance so I found Valerie Elkins' details from her GeniMates Profile, sought out the lady and passed them on. The lady was most grateful - I do hope she contacts Valerie.

On my return from overseas I was thriled to hear that my proposal to present on an International Panel with three of my GeniMates, Amy Coffin (USA), Audrey Collins (UK) and Joan Miller (Canada) at the Rootstech 2012 conference was accepted. I look forward to collaborating with these ladies on the presentation.

Early  in my trip I spent 2 1/2 days researching at The National Archives in Kew. I was so thrilled that  Family History Specialist, Audrey Collins, took time out of her busy day to have lunch with me and to seek me out for a second lunch  date. I enjoyed being able to share my enthusiasm about the finds I had made with the chirpy and friendly, Audrey. Having a friend in such a big institution enhances the experience of the visit.

Monday, July 11, 2011

More Interviews

Not long after The First Post on this blog in February, the people over at My Heritage launched into a similar series of interviews with people from the world of genealogy. Great minds think alike!

If you wish to meet  the people that My Heritage have interviewed hop over and take a look at their interview series. These include: Ann Major, Anne Bradshaw, and Kay Francis.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Carol Cacciapuoti

I spotted Carol over on the British Isles Genealogy Group on Facebook where she does an amazing amount of work assisting the members of that group.

I am thrilled to be able to profile another Canadian genealogist. Thanks, Carol for your entry.

Date  30 June 2011
Name  Carol Cacciapuoti
Hometown  Bolton Ontario Canada

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?  Hobbyist

What is your day job?  Homemaker

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  12 Years

How did you get hooked on genealogy?  I always had the interest since I was a child, but never delved into genealogy until 1986, when a cousin wrote a book, and another cousin did a huge family tree. That is when I started asking older relatives for information.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?My first computer was purchased in 1999 and after my daughter showed me the basics, I was off and running, in a search for my Irish and English ancestors. I had no studies at all, just prayers to God to guide me in my search. I met a super nice lady, who worked on my family, in Ontario, and she helped me with information and documents from the archives, she has since passed on and is missed very much.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? 
I do very well in England and Ireland, and in Canada, especially Ontario, all by computer.

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups.I am not involved in any groups as I have no time, with doing the Bookkeeping for a small family business. I belong to Facebook groups and help when I can.

What are the lands of your ancestors? Paternal- Leicestershire, England and Manitoba
Maternal- Ireland, Scotland, Huron County, Ontario and Manitoba

What Family Names are you Researching?  Paternal: Cleaver, Ward, Fitchett,

Maternal: Graham, Henry/ Henery, Marks, Wiggett, Robinson ( have a contact)

There are extended Family names, but I haven't expanded on them as yet.

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?My favourite ancestor is my Paternal Great Grandfather, James Cleaver, who helped me, (after a prayer to him) to start my search for the Cleavers in The Midlands, England, as I had thought we were Irish and could find nothing in Ireland.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?Paternal: Hinckley, Leicestershire, England, where the Cleavers originated from 1700s to mid 1850's then to Leicester, Leicestershire, and Birmigham, Warwickshire, where my Grandfather was born.

Maternal: Cavan County, Ireland where my Henry Family lived, from approximately 1825 to 1838, and Enniskillen ,Fermanaugh, Ireland, where my Grt Grt Grt Grandfather died, in 1858.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy? My favourite resource is Family and also, with Genes Reunited very good also.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?  Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?Presently I am using, but I do have an old Family Tree maker partially done, on my old computer.

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  No

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?Ancestry, Facebook, Genes Reunited, Other

Do you have a blog?  No

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
Family events, Reading, Art, Cooking, Baking, small business operation, am Intuitive, and am interested in Pyschic Phenomena.

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?Computer and cooking for a big family

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? Jean Auel Prehistoric series

What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?Pray often, thank God for each sunrise, do what makes you happy, respect the elders in your family, keep your family united, and look at each day as a new experience

If you have anything else to share please add it below.I am not a professional, blessed with a good husband, Mom of five daughters and a son, Grandmother of eight Grandchildren, and Great Grandmother to two little girls.
I am blessed with our family, friends, good health per se, and strong "pioneer" genes that keep me optimistic and always wanting to learn more.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Amanda Epperson

Amanda E Epperson
As I have a number of Scottish ancestors who emigrated to Australia "The Scottish Emigration Blog"  ( is on my list of RSS feeds. Keen to find out more about the person behind this blog I approached Amanda for a Genimates profile.

Thanks, Amanda, for sharing your story with us.

Date 29 June 2011      
Name Amanda E. Epperson       
Hometown: South Pasadena
Current City: Cleveland, Ohio (more or less)

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?
Neither, I am a professional historian who is fascinated by family history

What is your day job?
I teach history at a community college

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  As an historian, I’ve been chasing people from the past for about 15 years. For my own family, on and off for many more years.

How did you get hooked on genealogy?
Both of my grandmothers were interested in their family histories.  My one grandmother had a very neatly printed out family tree that a cousin had done, but she didn’t actively do any research. My other grandmother and her sister did research their families and drag me to overgrown cemeteries. I think part of their interest came from the fact that their parents had been orphaned, so they did not have really know where their family came from.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
I have a PhD in history with a specialization in immigration – I have always been fascinated by how people move about and take their culture with them. I have also attended several genealogy conferences and workshops.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? 
Ohio and Scotland

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups.
I belong to the Ohio Genealogical Society and the Great Lakes Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists.  My APG chapter meets most months to discuss articles from the National Genealogy Society Quarterly (NGSQ).

What are the lands of your ancestors?
My dad’s family has been in the United States for a really long time.  We haven’t traced them back to Europe yet, but we presume that most branches are from the British Isles. On my mother’s side are more recent immigrants from Scotland, Norway and Sweden.

What Family Names are you Researching?

The four main ones are: Eldridge, Epperson, Hood, and Nordstrom.

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?I try not to play favorites.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?I would like to visit Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?The internet.
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes (but I’m trying to move to an all/mostly digital system)
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?I’ve used Family Tree Maker since the first or second DOS version. But I’ve recently gotten Legacy to do some work for a client. It is not as pretty as Family Tree Maker, but I really like its interface for citations.

Do you have your tree posted on the internet? No

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?I don’t use social networking for genealogy, but I do use several of the sites listed for other purpose.

Do you have a blog? Several
What are your blogs' URLs? 
The Scottish Emigration Blog:
& The Historian’s Family:

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Reading, knitting, trying to stay out of trouble.

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? 
Pride & Prejudice

What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?Don’t Worry; Be Happy.  (yes, you do hear Bobby McFerrin in your head)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Congratulations, GeniMate, John Patten

In John's blog, The Patten Project, he reported on his latest career move.

"I'm taking my interest in history and genealogy into a professional capacity, having this week given notice at my current job, moving on to a position at Museum Victoria, where I will be helping to bring Victoria's Aboriginal history to a wider audience."

Congratulations, John, with your passion and commitment to indigenous history and genealogy you are a perfect appointee for the position.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sally Shine

I enjoy following Sally Shine on Twitter, @CanIFindThem, as she tweets about her current research projects and shares news of resources for Australian Genealogy. I love Sally's happy name that is matched by the sunny smile in her photo.

Thanks, Sally, for so willingly agreeing to complete a GeniMates profile.

Date  22 June 2011
Name  Sally Shine
Hometown  Trafalgar East, Victoria, Australia

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?  Hobbyist

What is your day job?  Merchandiser

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  Abt 22 yrs

How did you get hooked on genealogy? 
My sister in law Kate Press was researching her lines and was well into Genealogy. After asking a few questions I was well hooked on my own family lines of research.
I remember in the first few months going to a talk and hearing the words "You need to know where you came from to know where you are going"

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
I started like most others, in a town library with micro fiche. To save all the travel I purchased my own fiche, then cd versions, then books, maps and then travelled. I volunteered as a Librarian for abt 15 years at the LDS library in a local town. Answering questions makes you learn very quickly. I have done Genealogy talks to local group. An expert - no but the feedback from helping others is amazing and so rewarding. All queries make you look outside the box to find the answers.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
An expert - No. A puppy after a bone - yes. Latter Day Saints library work tought me to prove things more than 1 way and work backwards always.

I love working with Census pages and altering the search criteria.

Newspapers are also an amazing source of data. I set up a new database for each family that I help and need to fill in ALL the places, Bth, Mar, Dth & Burial. Did they travel, what is their occupation etc.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups.
My membership with Societies has changed over the years depending on what area I am researching, but the GSV is a long standing favourite. Volunteer work in a local LDS library was the most rewarding but is now closed. My years going to DPS (Dead Person Society) days were full of sharing idea. My volunteer work now is from home.

What are the lands of your ancestors? 
Gosh, before Australia & New Zealand, England, Ireland,Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland & Germany

What Family Names are you Researching?
ALLEN - DUNLOP _ GOULD - ARMSTRONG ... Northen Ireland.
FISHER - New Zealand & Germany .
ROBINSON - BURGES ... England.
AUST / AUSTIN - PARROTT ... England & Wales
Mc CRAE - FRASER - ADAIR ...Scotland.
HOGBEN - KEMBER - BAX - WEEKS ... England.

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? 
I have some scallywags, several convicts. Also William Howard BOASE left a wife and chn in Eng and came to Aus with Elizabeth Mc GACHEN. The Mc GACHEN family has always had a pull on my thinking. I now sit researching with Alexander Mc GACHEN my GGG Grandfather 1791-1850 looking down on me. This picture was bought in a car boot sale then years later offered to me over the net. It took a year to get him here and yes he cost more than the car boot price.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? 
I have been lucky to have been to most already. The cobble stones of Edinburgh to trace the steps of the Mc GACHEN's, Edinburgh Castle to learn more on the Military lines. The Ancestral home of the Mc GACHENS at Dalwhat, Dumfriesshire. After 6 years I found the ALLEN home in Northern Ireland, and my cousin still lives there. In Aus, Blackwood is a favourite. To hear the family home was dragged from one side of the road to the other, as yes it sat lopsided.
Where else is there to go? Hunting Headstones - To photograph for later generations.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy? 
All areas but I guess Census pages. They tell a tale of employment, relationships, areas of travel.

Newspapers online fill in amazing tit bits, bth, dth and marriages. Burials and where and by whome. Financial status. Who wore what to a wedding. It is endless.

Then the official registrations online to confirm data.

The sites I visit ofter are, Find My Past,, TROVE, Papers past, and more.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?  Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? 
I have used Generations for years. I should upgrade but I now have this programme jumping hoops, so changing sound really hard.
I have an old versions of Family Tree Maker that I sometimes need to use to view another persons Gedcom.

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  Yes

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?  Ancestry, Facebook, Genes Reunited, Geni, Twitter

Do you have a blog?  No

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? 

Cooking, Genealogy.
Being a domestic Goddess, Genealogy.
Gardener, Genealogy.
Country Women's Ass., Genealogy.
As you can see I love to seek and find :-)))

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?  Cooking

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?  Murder mystery

What is your personal philosophy in a few  words ? 
You need to know where you came from to know where you are going.
When you give it out it always comes back 10 fold.
Treat people that way you would like to be treated.
Good air in Bad air out.

If you have anything else to share please add it below.
Smile, Be happy, Remember those that have past, that is why I am here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cassie Mercer

Sitting behind a trade table at an Unlock the Past event last year in Sydney I found Cassie Mercer selling subscriptions to her newly launched magazine "Inside History". I immediately subscribed to the mag and have not been disappointed with that decision. I love finding  in my letterbox the latest edition of this snappily designed publication  that has content of great interest to Australian genealogists.

Thanks, Cassie, for submitting your profile to GeniMates, our readers will be fascinated by your colourful ancestors. I'd like to read more about them.

Date  11th June, 2011
Name  Cassie Mercer
Hometown  Sydney

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?  Hobbyist

What is your day job?  Editor of Inside History magazine

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  Since 1998

How did you get hooked on genealogy?  I was well and truly hooked when my mum told me that one of our Irish ancestors, Edward Turley, was a highwayman in Dublin. His grandson was Harry Readford, aka Captain Starlight, who became notorious in outback Australia for his highway-thieving antics as well.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?  I hope my expertise lies in being able to write and edit people's research and help them craft their family history into a terrific story. I co-founded Irish Wattle, which publishes books on Irish convicts, and have edited six books to date (see

Since 2010 I have edited and co-published Inside History magazine, which is a bi-monthly magazine focused on genealogy, history and heritage in Australia and New Zealand (see

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. I regularly liaise with family history and local history societies around Australia and New Zealand as part of my work for Inside History magazine. We are about to launch a new section in the magazine where we will profile a society in each issue, so it's exciting to hear about what records a society holds, and the events they are planning.

What are the lands of your ancestors?  Ireland, Scotland, England, Denmark

What Family Names are you Researching?  Turley, Maher, Gullidge, Sweatman, Perry, Futcher, Battle

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?  I can't go past my g.g.g.g.g grandmother, Jane Maher, because she showed to me that she was pretty savvy and resilient. In Dublin she ran a brothel, then when she was transported for receiving stolen goods, she managed to survive the journey to Sydney on one of the most brutal convict ships of the 1790s, the Britannia. Once in Sydney she applied for and was granted a baker's licence at the Rocks, and ran it for a number of years.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?  I've never been to Denmark, and I would like to visit to find out more about my family tree on my paternal grandmother's side

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?  Irish newspapers published in the late 1790s. They've been a goldmine for our Irish research.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?  Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?  I don't use any at the moment, but I am investigating options!

Do you have your tree posted on the internet? No

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?  Ancestry, Facebook, Genes Reunited, LinkedIn, Twitter

Do you have a blog?  Yes

What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?  Travelling as much as we can, growing new business ideas.

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?  Window shopping on, browsing magazines for design inspiration and sleeping!

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? Possession by A.S. Byatt

What is your personal philosophy in a few  words ?  Where there's a will, there's a way.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


A young Australian genealogist that I would dearly like to meet is Shelley. It seems as though I have known her for quite some time but our relationship has only developed via social media in the last couple of years. Shelley consistently gives me encouragement through comments on my blogs and responses to my tweets. 

We are both fans of  TNG, a program developed by  another GeniMate,  Darrin Lythgoe and are proud new owners of Galaxy Tabs.

I am honoured to present Shelley's profile. Thanks Shelley for your  ongoing support and for sharing your profile to GeniMates.

Date  28 May 2011
Name  Shelley
Hometown  Canberra

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?  Hobbyist

What is your day job?  Public servant

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  20+ years, on and off

How did you get hooked on genealogy?   I think I was always interested. Perhaps it's partly because my middle name, and those of my siblings, have family connections that I was always aware of and curious about.

More specifically I remember asking my grandfather about who his parents were when I was 13. He drew up a pedigree for me showing his grandparents, and my grandmother's grandparents as well and gave me a copy of some correspondence he'd had with his sister about the family. What a great head start on that branch! Then in high school one of my friends was given an assignment to research her family tree. I was jealous of her homework! It opened my eyes though that it was possible to research your family. I'm not sure I realised it before then.

I started researching in my final year of high school. By then I had my driver's license so I could get to the library, and a part-time job so I could pay for certificates.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
I'm currently doing the basic level Australian Records courses with the Institute of Genealogical Studies. No relevant studies prior to that.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? No particular area of expertise. I am most familiar with records from Victoria, Australia

What are the lands of your ancestors? 
Various locations in the British Isles.

What Family Names are you Researching?  Allen, Allsop, Baker, Barnes, Bennett, Black, Carrey, Chaplin, Collins, Couper, Darcy, De La Roche, Donnell, Fearn, Forbes, French, Halliday, Hardy, Hay, Isaac, Keogh, King, Lee, Lewis, Mack, Martin, McFarren, McKeogh, McKough, McMahon, Mee, Miller, Morrison, Oakham, Penhallurick, Perrot, Robotham, Sinclair, Smith, Spence, Stannus, Sutherland, Sweyne, Tregonning, Willoughby, Wood

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?  Whoever I have a new lead on at the time.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?  All of them! I hope one day to travel to the UK and Ireland and follow an itinerary based on where my ancestors lived. I wouldn't even have to fit in research to make the trip worthwhile, just getting off the beaten track with a purpose would be fascinating.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?  TROVE newspapers

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?  Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Genbox

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  Yes
If Yes What is the URL?

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, GenealogyWise, Genes Reunited, Twitter

Do you have a blog?  Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Between part-time work and full-time young children, genealogy is one of the few interests I am still able to pursue. I'd like to get out and see live theater more often, do an art class here and there, read a book, go to the gym... The activity I miss the most is tap dancing.

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? 
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Double Dose

I make contact with Genimates via email, facebook, twitter or blogs and have only met a handful of them in the flesh. At today's meeting of The Hawkesbury Family History Group I hit the jackpot when  I came face to face with two of our GeniMates, Peter Stewart and Michelle Patient.

Peter is soon to conclude a three year term as President of the Campbelltown Family History Group but he will not be taking it easy.  As a Jurd descendant he is working on a history of  the family in preparation for their reunion in 2012.

Michelle, an Aussie who lives in New Zealand, had contacted me to say she would be in Australia for a while. We agreed to meet up at the GOONS talk at Hawkesbury after which we shared a long lunch with Robyn (whose last name I do not know). Michelle updated us on plans for the New Zealand Family History Fair that is to be held in Auckland in August 2011. While in Australia she is making contact with a number of speakers and companies who will be joining the fun at the fair.

I hope that, as I gad about, I come face to face with more of our GeniMates.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Luke Mouland

Dorset, one of my favourite counties in England, is home to Luke Mouland of Kith and Kin Research. I have been following Luke online at Twitter and appreciate his tweets about the genealogy scene in "The Mother Country". I was thrilled when he replied promptly to my request for a profile for GeniMates.

Thanks, Luke, for telling us about your involvement with genealogy.

Date  4th June 2011
Name  Luke Mouland
Hometown  Sherborne, Dorset, England

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Professional Genealogist

What is your day job? Genealogist, historian and writer

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  Six years

How did you get hooked on genealogy?  I inherited two family portraits - one depicting my 2x great-grandparents and the other my 3x great-grandparents. These having fascinated me thorough my childhood, I soon decided to find out more about the people featured.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?  The State & The Poor in Britain, 1830-1939 (GCE Advanced Level)

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?  I spend much time placing the lives of ancestors against the wider social and historical context in which they lived. Background research is vital to understanding our ancestors' lives in perspective.

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. 
- Founder Member of London Historians
- Member of the Sherborne Historical Society
- Dorset Online Parish Clerk (Lillington & Longburton)

What are the lands of your ancestors?  England, Ireland, Malta, Australia, Canada

What Family Names are you Researching?  Main lineages of interest: Arnett, Budd, Carn, Lillington, Maidment, Mouland, Newman, Wareham

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? I have great admiration for my 2x great-grandmother, Gertrude, who left her humble origins behind to enlist into the Salvation Army. She dedicated much of her life to the cause, eventually becoming an officer.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?  Floriana in Malta. This is where my great-grandmother was born, so I would very much like to visit the building where she spent the first few years of her life.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy? Poor Law records are particularly fascinating to research but I also like to delve into probate documents, which can be equally wonderful. But, with those aside, census records never loose their appeal, either!

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Family Tree Maker

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  No

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?  Ancestry, Facebook, Genes Reunited, LinkedIn, Twitter

Do you have a blog?  Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
- Cycling
- Walking
- Reading
- Writing

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?  The Blackest Streets by Sarah Wise

What is your personal philosophy in a few  words ?  Life is short. Seize every opportunity.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Carmel Reynen

Our newest GeniMate, Carmel has recently joined Twitter, to see what she has to say follow @CarmelReynen . Carmel was one of the first people to join the Australian Genealogists group on Genealogy Wise and has offered some good advice to members there. Since she joined up I have been keeping up with her via GenealogyWise and her blog..

Thanks to this very busy lady for submitting her profile to GeniMates.

Date  21 May 2011
Name  Carmel Reynen
Hometown  Haddon, Victoria, Australia

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist

What is your day job?  Enquiry officer in a call centre

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  33 years

How did you get hooked on genealogy? I believe it started at primary school when we did some study on the gold rush and I found I had gold mining ancestors. Also my grandmothers told stories.

What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
No formal studies.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?  I often think I am not an expert. That is until I help someone with obvious things and they are so happy and cannot believe I was able to find things.
I find Victoria Australia is where most of my experience lies, but cemeteries, and looking at things in an ordered way. I have had people come to me saying so and so was a family member can you help me find out how? Well it is not starting at that person but yourself.

I guess it is all the experience that makes me an "expert" in many areas but definitely not all.

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. I am involved with the Ballarat and District Genealogical Society, in fact was an original member but left for a number of years because of work and family commitments. Now Editor of the quarterly newsletter "Link"
I have also been involved in the digitisation of Smythesdale Cemetery.
Have photographed many cemeteries now on line.
Have done a lot of Data Entry of Records for on line.
Helped many people, and attend Family History Days to assist.
Given talks at family history days.
I am also involved in a number of genealogical lists that are slowing now in popularity

What are the lands of your ancestors? England, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark,
my husband is Dutch

What Family Names are you Researching? Barwise, Woodhead, Walkeden, Nolan, Murphy, Butler, Johnson (Swedish!) Petersen,(Danish) Reynen (Reijnen, Dutch) Strybosch (Strijbosch Dutch) Royle, Fox, Mossop. just to name a few!

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? I have a number of very interesting ancestors, from convicts, councillors, pioneers, bigamists, etc. I could not really name a favourite but love it when I can find things on their lives which will bring them to life.
Newspapers are coming on line and it can be surprising what you can find.
I can say there are a couple I don't really like but think maybe there is something that will redeem their faults.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? All of them. I would like to go to St Bees in Cumbria, there is a house there that is still in the family and has been since at least 1548!

What is your favourite resource for genealogy? Birth Death and marriage indexes, newspapers, census, electoral rolls, wills, inquests.

Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? I use Family tree Maker and have done for years, my husband bought it for me for my birthday one year and I have continued to update it.
I also use as I can easily share it all with Family and have found a number of others related either directly or with some who married into my family. They often have records I have not got and visa versa

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  Yes
If Yes What is the URL?

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, Facebook, GenealogyWise

Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? I have 5 children, 6 Grandchildren (so far) and work 2 hrs travelling time from home. I do not really get time for other things, but want to travel at some stage.

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Family get togethers

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? Mysts of Avalon

What is your personal philosophy in a few  words ? To treat everyone as an individual and as they would treat me. I am not going to like everyone but I will most people I meet.

You never know who you may find you are related to.

If you have anything else to share please add it below.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cheryl Bailey

Cheryl was one of the enthusiastic Australian genealogists with whom I conected on Google Wave. I was impressed by the amount of energy she put into that doomed project.  It is wonderful to see the Australian genealogy websites that she has produced  for the benefit of others.

Cheryl is one of our quiet achievers.

Date  22/5/2011
Name  Cheryl Bailey
Hometown  Toowoomba now living on the Mornington Peninsula

Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?  Hobbyist

What is your day job?  Retired

How long have you been chasing ancestors?  30 years

How did you get hooked on genealogy?  A cousin showed me a hand drawn family chart with only names on it and there was no father attached to my grandfather. After 30 years we still do not have 100 percent proof of the father.

What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? Tasmania

Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. Past member and indexer of the Tasmanian Family History Society, Genealogical Society of Queensland and the Queensland Family History Society.

What are the lands of your ancestors?  Orkney Isles, England, Australia

What Family Names are you Researching? Armstrong, Batey, Coombs, Cottenham, Curd, Dalton, Davison, Ellam, Embrey, Gammon, Gent, Heppel, Husthwaite, Irvine, Kaye, Kirsop, Leatheard, Louttit, Mellie, Metcalfe, Morley, Parsons, Pratt, Raspin, Ratcliffe, Raymant, Scarth, Skaife, Spence, Stokan, Varo, Winsby, Wood

Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? James MORLEY because he has left a wealth of descendants who take a keen interest in the family history.

What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?  Withyham, East Sussex because I would like to get that same spiritual feeling as when I visited Buckland Cemetery, Tasmania in the 1970's before I was interested in Genealogy.

What is your favourite resource for genealogy?  Family Search
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?  Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?  Yes

What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?  IFamily for Leopard, PAF

Do you have your tree posted on the internet?  Yes
If Yes What is the URL?

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?  Ancestry, Facebook, GenealogyWise, Geni, LinkedIn, Twitter, Other

Do you have a blog?  Several
What are your blogs' URLs?,

What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?  Photography, Reading, Internet Researcher, Scrapbooking

What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy?  Facebook

What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?  Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopedia

What is your personal philosophy in a few  words ?  To help and encourage others and to be grateful for all blessings that come my way.

If you have anything else to share please add it below. Also have the following:

a website devoted to the passengers of the "Oriental" which landed at Hobart, Tasmania in 1859.

a website "Tasanclin" dealing with resources and help.