I owe fellow Rootstech Official Blogger, Nancy, a huge apology. After receiving her submission for Genimates I promptly forgot about it and the Genimates blog giving it a big holiday. This is a super profile to relaunch Genimates, thanks, Nancy.
It's a New Year and I have resolved to continue publishing Genimate profiles when people submit them to me.
I look forward to meeting Nancy in person in Salt Lake City next month and meanwhile am following her blogs and post on various social media.
Date: 21 Sept 2011
Name: Nancy Shively
Hometown: Oklahoma City but now living in Tulsa
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist?
Hobbyist for now
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research?
I've been fortunate that my stint as the Family Tree Firsts blogger for Family Tree University has allowed me to take several of their classes including Vital Records, Land Records and Writing Your Family History among others.
How long have you been chasing ancestors?
About a year and a half
How did you get hooked on genealogy?
I've always been interested in the family history. You didn't grow up in the house I did without a keen respect for history in general. But the discovery that my grandparents had lived in the town I had recently moved to (serendipity?) lit the spark so to speak. Then my daughter suggested that I might want to watch Who Do You Think You Are, I started poking around online and that was it. I was completely addicted.
What is your day job?
Public Librarian
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy?
I'm still learning so I don't really have any areas of expertise yet!
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups:
I'm still working on that. My local society meets on a night that I regularly work. I've been able to make some of their sponsored workshops though.
What are the lands of your ancestors?
Mostly the U.K. and Switzerland. My husband has Canadian ancestors.
What Family Names are you Researching?
Allen, Blosser, Haworth, Easley, Armstrong, Harrison, Shively, mostly in Missouri and Tennessee. Prudhomme in Canada.
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why?
Probably my paternal grandmother. She made it through a difficult life with her common sense and sense of humor intact.
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why?
How about an ancestral country? I would basically stow away on any plane going to the U.K. if I thought I could get away with it! I'm a pathetic anglophile. (In fact my username on Ancestry.com is Okieanglophile.) But I would also like to visit Bern, Switzerland where my paternal Blosser family is from.
What is your favourite resource for genealogy?
My dad. He is a walking goldmine of family stories. I also spend a lot of time on Ancestry, Family Search and Fold3.
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper?
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer?
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree?
After a long debate I chose Reunion. It works the best with my Mac.
Do you have your tree posted on the internet?
If Yes What is the URL?
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy?
Ancestry, Facebook, Geni, LinkedIn, MyHeritage , Twitter, Google+
Do you have a blog?
What are your blogs' URLs?
http://nancyshively.blogspot.com and www.gatheringstories.com and http://www.familytreeuniversity.com/category/family-tree-firsts
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
Since my first grandson was born a little less than 2 years ago, I am an avid Nana. I also enjoy reading, writing and knitting. I inherited a floor loom which I am determined to learn how to use. I found out later that one of my early ancestors was a weaver by trade!
I converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity (you know...Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox...those guys. Only in English.) a few years ago and sing in our church choir. I can feel my Anabaptist, Quaker and French Hugenot ancestors revolving in their graves on that one.
What is your favourite leisure time activity apart from genealogy?
I love going to the movies and hanging out in bookstores. Kind of a busman's holiday but there it is.
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book?
anything by Jane Austen...yes I'm one of those.
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?
I think it was Plato that said "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." I try to remember that.
I love your personal philosophy Nancy. Perhaps we should all remember that.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jill! I can't wait to meet you too! Don't worry about the delay. I figured you'd get around to it when you could. See you in Salt Lake!