The tradition of Genimates' equator hopping continues as we move back to the northern hemisphere with this latest profile from Kentucky, USA.
I can't remember when I started following Linda's blog "Documenting the details" or following her on Twitter but I know that I have been very impressed with her recent reports on the NGS2011 Conference in her blog.
Genimates' readers will appreciate reading your profile, thanks Linda.
Date 21 May 2011
Name Linda McCauley
Hometown Mt. Vernon, Kentucky, USA
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist
What is your day job? I'm retired
How long have you been chasing ancestors? 10 years
How did you get hooked on genealogy? In 2001, I picked up a couple of things that my grandmother had written - a fill-in-the-blanks family tree book and a handwritten life story. I looked at them right after she died in 1978 but hadn't thought much about them for years.
For whatever reason, I took a second look in 2001 and decided I should look for some software to use in sorting out what she had written about her family and my grandfather's family. I was hooked by the time I got her information entered.
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? All of my studies have been informal - workshops, genealogy conferences and webinars. I recently enrolled in the National Genealogical Society's American Genealogy Home Study Course.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? I don't really have an area of expertise but much of my research has been in Kentucky so I'm probably most familiar with Kentucky records.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. I'm a member of the Kentucky Genealogical Society, Kentucky Historical Society, National Genealogical Society and a few small local societies.
What are the lands of your ancestors? I have yet to identify an immigrant who arrived in America after the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) so I haven't proven the homeland for very many of my lines. The ones I know are England, Ireland and France (by way of England).
What Family Names are you Researching? Lanier, Bennett, Jackson, Gamble, Hankins, Petty, Goodloe, Thomas, Hopkins, Howard, Morris, Taylor, Ramsey and Owens
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? The answer to that question might vary from time to time depending on which family I've been working on lately.
Today I'd say my favorite ancestor was my great-grandmother, Nancy Jane Bennett. She had to be a very strong and determined woman to have endured all of the hardships that came her way. In addition to living much of her life in extreme poverty, she lost at least two (maybe four) children in infancy, four other children died as young adults and another one disappeared and was never seen by her again.
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? Rouen, France. Rouen is the earliest ancestral location I've identified. My Lanier ancestors lived there in the 1500s.
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? The resources I use the most would have to be and FamilySearch but my favorite is still any courthouse with old records. There is just something special about touching the actual records your ancestors created.
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? No
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Legacy Family Tree
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL?
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, Facebook, Twitter
Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Photography, Travel and (watching) University of Kentucky Basketball & Football
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Reading
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? My favorite book is often the one I just finished. My favorite genre is mysteries.
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? Life is too short not to do the things you enjoy most.
If you have anything else to share please add it below. I answered "no" to the question about having my genealogy on paper but the answer is really somewhere between yes and no.
Of course, I have records and some information on paper but I'm not anywhere close to having everything that is in my Legacy database on paper. I am in the process of printing it all out since paper is still the best way to ensure that someone years from now will have access to my research.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
GeniMates Connects Cousins
Connecting cousins was not a goal I had in mind for the GeniMates blog but it has done just that.
I had an email from a gentleman, Don, who had been reading the blog. He recognised some of the family names one our our GeniMates had posted so he contacted me. I forwarded his email on to that GeniMate.
She wrote to me today "Turns out Don is the son of a cousin of my mother in law who is still alive though they haven't seen each other for years. We are organising a reumion. Your genimates site has proved not only really interesting but helpful, regards ."
I am feeling rather chuffed.
I had an email from a gentleman, Don, who had been reading the blog. He recognised some of the family names one our our GeniMates had posted so he contacted me. I forwarded his email on to that GeniMate.
She wrote to me today "Turns out Don is the son of a cousin of my mother in law who is still alive though they haven't seen each other for years. We are organising a reumion. Your genimates site has proved not only really interesting but helpful, regards ."
I am feeling rather chuffed.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Garry Raffaele
I met today's GeniMate, Garry, in the Australian Genealogists' Group on Genealogy Wise. Thanks Garry, for respondong to my invitation there for members to submit profiles to GeniMates. I hope some others from Australia and elsewhere will follow suit.
Date May 19, 2011
Name Garry Raffaele
Hometown Melbourne, Canberra
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist
What is your day job? Retired
How long have you been chasing ancestors? 5 years
How did you get hooked on genealogy? Brother visited family's hometown in Sicily - Pantelleria - and took notes
What are your areas of expertise in genealogy? Novice
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? None
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. None, apart from the website (Genealogy Wise)
What are the lands of your ancestors? Ireland, Scotland, Italy,
What Family Names are you Researching? Raffaele, Dunsby, Kilmartin, Parnell, Mundy, Campbell
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? John Dunsby, transported to Australia from London for stealing a shirt
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? Panelleria, home of the Raffaeles
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? The Web
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Reunion 9 (Mac)
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? No
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Facebook, GenealogyWise
Do you have a blog? No
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
Field hockey, photography, jazz drumming, cycling, gym work
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Practising drums
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? Try to walk in the other person's shoes (I don't do it too well)
Date May 19, 2011
Name Garry Raffaele
Hometown Melbourne, Canberra
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Hobbyist
What is your day job? Retired
How long have you been chasing ancestors? 5 years
How did you get hooked on genealogy? Brother visited family's hometown in Sicily - Pantelleria - and took notes
What are your areas of expertise in genealogy? Novice
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? None
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. None, apart from the website (Genealogy Wise)
What are the lands of your ancestors? Ireland, Scotland, Italy,
What Family Names are you Researching? Raffaele, Dunsby, Kilmartin, Parnell, Mundy, Campbell
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? John Dunsby, transported to Australia from London for stealing a shirt
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? Panelleria, home of the Raffaeles
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? The Web
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Reunion 9 (Mac)
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? No
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Facebook, GenealogyWise
Do you have a blog? No
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests?
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Practising drums
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? Try to walk in the other person's shoes (I don't do it too well)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Peter Stewart
I am extremely grateful when I approach people out of the blue to submit a profile to GeniMates and they respond enthusiastically. I am not known to Peter and was so pleased that he must have checked out this blog and decided that it was safe to respond to me.
Peter, the President of the Campbelltown District Family History Society, is typical of the sort of person I love to profile on GeniMates. He is one of a band of unsung heroes who works in a voluntary capacity to progress the pursuit of genealogy in his local area.
Thank you, Peter, for telling us your story.
Date May 6, 2011
Name Peter Stewart
Hometown Campbelltown, NSW
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Enthusiastic hobbyist
What is your day job? Caring for Aged and infirm Religious at St Gregory's College Campbelltown, NSW. I am a Marist Brother and for 30 years taught in Catholic Primary Schools in Australia & New Zealand. My last 11 years in education I was a Primary Principal.
How long have you been chasing ancestors? Twenty years
How did you get hooked on genealogy? I had an interest in where my maternal grandfather was born and raised in Yockleton, Shropshire, England and had decided I would visit there if and when I got the chance to travel. I met grandfather's neice who was 96 at the time and wrote to a cousin living in Sydney. Joan suggested that I try and find out about the Simon and Tomlins families before they came to Australia. And as they say, "the rest is history".
When I returned home in 1993 and was telling my sister what I'd discovered she asked what I'd done on Dad's side. I had to admit - nothing. Pat suggested that I contact a 2nd cousin of Dad's in Moree, which I duly did - only to find out that Dorrie had died 3 months before Dad in 1990. Her son contacted me and sent me a copy of all his mother's info. And I went from there with the Jurd Family, my paternal grandmother's maiden name. With some 500 names recorded I mused on what I would do with them. Having seen a couple of family historys that had been produced around the time of Australia's Bicentennary and realising that 2002 was the 200th Anniversary of the arrival of Daniel Judd/Jurd, a convict, in August of that year, I sussed out a few opinions on trying to put the info I had into a booklet. Like topsy, it just grew. The book, "To Live On In The Hearts And Minds Of Descendants Is To Never Die" was launched at the reunion on the 200th Anniversary with some 8,600 descendant names recorded, and where possible stories told.
I was asked at the Reunion, "Well what now?" 'The Descendants of Daniel and Elizabeth Jurd nee Douglas Association' was formed at the reunion. I've continued researching and writing and we've planned a 200th Wedding Anniversary Reunion for the weekend of 28-30 September 2012 at Windsor. Elizabeth was the daughter of First Fleeters, William Douglas and Mary Groves.
There are currently in excess of 13,600 descendants on my database, along with many more stories, facts etc. There will be a 2nd edition of the book launched at that reunion.
I get really excited when I hear from those connected with the family or who have an interest in this particular family.
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? I have no formal training in genealogy. I regulary attend meetings of the Windsor Family History Group and the Campbelltown District Family History Society. I have had an immense amount of assistant from fellow researchers.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? Enthusiasm for genealogy. Love to ferret out info where possible as time permits.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. January 2003 joined the Windsor Family History Group and attend monthly meetings as often as possible - usually each month.
June 2003 - joined Campbelltown District Family History Society Inc. July 2003 was elected as Treasurer, August 2008 was elected as President. I conclude my time as President in August this year.
What are the lands of your ancestors? England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Australia.
What Family Names are you Researching? Began researching the Tomlins & Simon Families, then the Stewart line.
Currently working on Jurd, Stewart, Walters, Walker, Fernance, Thompson, Bailey and associated families.
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? Elizabeth Jurd, the Currency Lass. Elizabeth was only 16 when she married in 1812 and Daniel was 32. She was one amazing woman. Daniel died in August 1833 leaving her with 9 children, the youngest was 7 months old. She not only raised her family but also cared for several orphans. I see her as a woman of great strength, practical, compassionate, a woman of love and generosity. She suffered the death of 3 children in 1856 within a few months.
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? Colsterworth - where Mary Groves grew up, Lincolnshire where William Douglas came from and track down where Daniel Jurd hailed from. I don't know much about their lives before they were transported as convicts.
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? BDM's, Ancestry and Ryerson Index
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Family Tree Maker for Windows
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL? Genes Reunited - a basic tree
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, Genes Reunited
Do you have a blog? No
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Long car drives, cooking, cake decorating; spending quality time with friends and family
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Driving
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? Not a good reader so don't have a favourite book.
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? To live a happy fulfilling life, being caring and helpful to people. Trying to keep healthy
If you have anything else to share please add it below. Would love to hear from ANYONE who is related to the JURD Dynasty or who knows any of the Jurd and associated families. Feel free to put them in contact with me please.
Peter, the President of the Campbelltown District Family History Society, is typical of the sort of person I love to profile on GeniMates. He is one of a band of unsung heroes who works in a voluntary capacity to progress the pursuit of genealogy in his local area.
Thank you, Peter, for telling us your story.
Date May 6, 2011
Name Peter Stewart
Hometown Campbelltown, NSW
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Enthusiastic hobbyist
What is your day job? Caring for Aged and infirm Religious at St Gregory's College Campbelltown, NSW. I am a Marist Brother and for 30 years taught in Catholic Primary Schools in Australia & New Zealand. My last 11 years in education I was a Primary Principal.
How long have you been chasing ancestors? Twenty years
How did you get hooked on genealogy? I had an interest in where my maternal grandfather was born and raised in Yockleton, Shropshire, England and had decided I would visit there if and when I got the chance to travel. I met grandfather's neice who was 96 at the time and wrote to a cousin living in Sydney. Joan suggested that I try and find out about the Simon and Tomlins families before they came to Australia. And as they say, "the rest is history".
When I returned home in 1993 and was telling my sister what I'd discovered she asked what I'd done on Dad's side. I had to admit - nothing. Pat suggested that I contact a 2nd cousin of Dad's in Moree, which I duly did - only to find out that Dorrie had died 3 months before Dad in 1990. Her son contacted me and sent me a copy of all his mother's info. And I went from there with the Jurd Family, my paternal grandmother's maiden name. With some 500 names recorded I mused on what I would do with them. Having seen a couple of family historys that had been produced around the time of Australia's Bicentennary and realising that 2002 was the 200th Anniversary of the arrival of Daniel Judd/Jurd, a convict, in August of that year, I sussed out a few opinions on trying to put the info I had into a booklet. Like topsy, it just grew. The book, "To Live On In The Hearts And Minds Of Descendants Is To Never Die" was launched at the reunion on the 200th Anniversary with some 8,600 descendant names recorded, and where possible stories told.
I was asked at the Reunion, "Well what now?" 'The Descendants of Daniel and Elizabeth Jurd nee Douglas Association' was formed at the reunion. I've continued researching and writing and we've planned a 200th Wedding Anniversary Reunion for the weekend of 28-30 September 2012 at Windsor. Elizabeth was the daughter of First Fleeters, William Douglas and Mary Groves.
There are currently in excess of 13,600 descendants on my database, along with many more stories, facts etc. There will be a 2nd edition of the book launched at that reunion.
I get really excited when I hear from those connected with the family or who have an interest in this particular family.
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? I have no formal training in genealogy. I regulary attend meetings of the Windsor Family History Group and the Campbelltown District Family History Society. I have had an immense amount of assistant from fellow researchers.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? Enthusiasm for genealogy. Love to ferret out info where possible as time permits.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. January 2003 joined the Windsor Family History Group and attend monthly meetings as often as possible - usually each month.
June 2003 - joined Campbelltown District Family History Society Inc. July 2003 was elected as Treasurer, August 2008 was elected as President. I conclude my time as President in August this year.
What are the lands of your ancestors? England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Australia.
What Family Names are you Researching? Began researching the Tomlins & Simon Families, then the Stewart line.
Currently working on Jurd, Stewart, Walters, Walker, Fernance, Thompson, Bailey and associated families.
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? Elizabeth Jurd, the Currency Lass. Elizabeth was only 16 when she married in 1812 and Daniel was 32. She was one amazing woman. Daniel died in August 1833 leaving her with 9 children, the youngest was 7 months old. She not only raised her family but also cared for several orphans. I see her as a woman of great strength, practical, compassionate, a woman of love and generosity. She suffered the death of 3 children in 1856 within a few months.
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? Colsterworth - where Mary Groves grew up, Lincolnshire where William Douglas came from and track down where Daniel Jurd hailed from. I don't know much about their lives before they were transported as convicts.
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? BDM's, Ancestry and Ryerson Index
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Family Tree Maker for Windows
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL? Genes Reunited - a basic tree
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, Genes Reunited
Do you have a blog? No
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Long car drives, cooking, cake decorating; spending quality time with friends and family
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Driving
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? Not a good reader so don't have a favourite book.
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? To live a happy fulfilling life, being caring and helpful to people. Trying to keep healthy
If you have anything else to share please add it below. Would love to hear from ANYONE who is related to the JURD Dynasty or who knows any of the Jurd and associated families. Feel free to put them in contact with me please.
Peter Stewart,
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Shauna Hicks
Shauna is another of my virtual Aussie GeniMates whom I first met on Twitter a couple of years ago and then, in person, in Sydney last year. In her profile Shauna says she is semi-retired. It's a hectic semi-retirement - Shauna seems to have a very busy time flitting all over Australia and NZ giving presentations on many areas of interest to genealogists. I have attended a couple of her well-prepared and information-rich talks.
Thanks, Shauna for sharing your profile on GeniMates.
Date May 1, 2011
Name Shauna Hicks
Hometown Currently Melbourne, from Brisbane originally
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Bit of both
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? Diploma in Family Historical Studies from Society of Australian Genealogists but as a mature age student I also did a BA in Australian History & Anthropology, an MA on female philanthropy in colonial Queensland (inspired by my gg grandmother) and so that I could work in archives and libraries I also did a Grad Dip in Library Science. All studies were part time while I worked full time and did the family thing!
What is your day job?Semi retired but have a small business doing research and consultancy work, still in the genealogy area.
How long have you been chasing ancestors? Since 1977
How did you get hooked on genealogy? My first husband and I sat down to watch Roots on television and I was hooked from the first episode. At the same time, I saw an ad in the local paper from someone who was running a How to Trace Your Family History and by the end of the series I was finding my own ancestors. I've never stopped and it's great that it is one of those hobbies that you can do when time/resources permit.
As indicated by my studies above, I went on to actually work in areas where I could indulge my genealogy passion and have been fortunate to work in archives and libraries since 1981 until I retired from working in government for just over 35 years.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? Australia especially Queensland and Victoria but have researched my ancestors in all Australian States. I have a particular interest in archives, asylums, prisons, military, mining and religious records driven by my own ancestors' backgrounds.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. I first became involved with the Genealogical Society of Queensland back in 1977, and particularly with the North Brisbane and Southern Suburbs branches. I was also a founding member of the Queensland Family History Society and served on the Council in various positions. In the ACT I was also on the Council of the Heraldry & Genealogical Society of Canberra and since moving to Melbourne I have also been on the Council of the Genealogical Society of Victoria and am also a member of the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies and the Cornish Association of Victoria. At various times I have also been a member of the Society of Australian Genealogists and when in Sydney try to give talks to members.
What are the lands of your ancestors? I have families in all Australian States excluding the Northern Territory and the ACT.
Overseas I have New Zealand, Norway, Scotland (Angus), England (Staffordshire, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire and Cornish interests), South Africa, Canada and the USA.
What Family Names are you Researching? Just looking at the first 5 generations - Carnegie, Fegan, Finn, Gunderson, Halvorsdatter, Jeffers, Johnston, Judge, Price, Rosewarne, Silk, Titt, Trevaskis, White
On my son's side - Atkinson, Bullen, Carradus, Evans, Hansen, Potter, Thomsen, Walker
On my partner's side - Adkins, Barwick, Brooks, Burstow, Crow, Dean, Eldridge, Hill, Horne, Jarvis, Oakley, Pilbeam, Pyers, Spencer
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? I have quite a few favourites mainly because they have left behind records that allows me to know them a bit more. One gg grandmother had an illegitimate son, married and lived out in far western Queensland, went on to have a bit of a drinking problem and spent quite a bit of time in and out of gaol for vagrancy and prostitution before she met and ran off with a bloke she then lived with for over 20 years before marrying him. In the end she died a respectable old lady in her 80s.
Another gg grandmother also had a hard life as her husband seems to have been also fond of a drink and beating up his wife and their adventures in various courts have given me wonderful insights into the family. Despite having 9 children and living in a tent, this gg grandmother still found time, and I hope happiness, in having an affair with another man and even in her old age, she still had a younger gentleman friend.
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? I really want to go to Cornwall and see the mining areas where my ancestors were from. This seems to be a quite different area from the rest of England. The West Bromwich area of Staffordshire is another area I would like to visit and also Wiltshire. We are talking of going over in 2012 so I really need to give this more thought.
I would also like to go to Minnesota in the US where my Norwegian ggg grandfather is buried and I have another ggg grandfather buried in Canada (still tracking him but possibly Nova Scotia).
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? These days the Internet and it is hard to think how we did any research back in the late 1970s and 1980s. I have managed to break down a number of my old brick walls with the ability to search census records online. However it is important to remember that not everything is online.
I don't think you can really go past BDM certificates as a favourite resource as they give so much information that allows you to really prove your research. Of course with my ancestors backgrounds I would also have to say court and prison records are also a big favourite.
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Legacy Family Tree - used to be Brothers Keeper before I made the change.
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? No
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, Facebook, GenealogyWise, Genes Reunited, LinkedIn, MyHeritage , Twitter.
Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? I like fishing, gardening, reading, cooking and travelling. We have family all over Australia and now that we are both (sort of) retired we are doing more of those activities. I have all our genealogy on the laptop so I can still do that away from home.
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Reading
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? The Poldark novels
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?Life is too short and you need to make the most of every day - doing things that you really enjoy and are passionate about will keep you young and involved with life.
If you have anything else to share please add it below. I need to scan more of my paper based records and photographs so that I always have them with me but more importantly, I have backups of those paper based records and photographs. While I have draft family histories for most of my families, I need to finalise them so that the knowledge I have on the families is not lost to future generations.
Everyone who is researching their family should think about how they are going to leave their family history records and who to - before it is too late!
Thanks, Shauna for sharing your profile on GeniMates.
Date May 1, 2011
Name Shauna Hicks
Hometown Currently Melbourne, from Brisbane originally
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Bit of both
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? Diploma in Family Historical Studies from Society of Australian Genealogists but as a mature age student I also did a BA in Australian History & Anthropology, an MA on female philanthropy in colonial Queensland (inspired by my gg grandmother) and so that I could work in archives and libraries I also did a Grad Dip in Library Science. All studies were part time while I worked full time and did the family thing!
What is your day job?
How long have you been chasing ancestors? Since 1977
How did you get hooked on genealogy? My first husband and I sat down to watch Roots on television and I was hooked from the first episode. At the same time, I saw an ad in the local paper from someone who was running a How to Trace Your Family History and by the end of the series I was finding my own ancestors. I've never stopped and it's great that it is one of those hobbies that you can do when time/resources permit.
As indicated by my studies above, I went on to actually work in areas where I could indulge my genealogy passion and have been fortunate to work in archives and libraries since 1981 until I retired from working in government for just over 35 years.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? Australia especially Queensland and Victoria but have researched my ancestors in all Australian States. I have a particular interest in archives, asylums, prisons, military, mining and religious records driven by my own ancestors' backgrounds.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. I first became involved with the Genealogical Society of Queensland back in 1977, and particularly with the North Brisbane and Southern Suburbs branches. I was also a founding member of the Queensland Family History Society and served on the Council in various positions. In the ACT I was also on the Council of the Heraldry & Genealogical Society of Canberra and since moving to Melbourne I have also been on the Council of the Genealogical Society of Victoria and am also a member of the Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies and the Cornish Association of Victoria. At various times I have also been a member of the Society of Australian Genealogists and when in Sydney try to give talks to members.
What are the lands of your ancestors? I have families in all Australian States excluding the Northern Territory and the ACT.
Overseas I have New Zealand, Norway, Scotland (Angus), England (Staffordshire, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire and Cornish interests), South Africa, Canada and the USA.
What Family Names are you Researching? Just looking at the first 5 generations - Carnegie, Fegan, Finn, Gunderson, Halvorsdatter, Jeffers, Johnston, Judge, Price, Rosewarne, Silk, Titt, Trevaskis, White
On my son's side - Atkinson, Bullen, Carradus, Evans, Hansen, Potter, Thomsen, Walker
On my partner's side - Adkins, Barwick, Brooks, Burstow, Crow, Dean, Eldridge, Hill, Horne, Jarvis, Oakley, Pilbeam, Pyers, Spencer
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? I have quite a few favourites mainly because they have left behind records that allows me to know them a bit more. One gg grandmother had an illegitimate son, married and lived out in far western Queensland, went on to have a bit of a drinking problem and spent quite a bit of time in and out of gaol for vagrancy and prostitution before she met and ran off with a bloke she then lived with for over 20 years before marrying him. In the end she died a respectable old lady in her 80s.
Another gg grandmother also had a hard life as her husband seems to have been also fond of a drink and beating up his wife and their adventures in various courts have given me wonderful insights into the family. Despite having 9 children and living in a tent, this gg grandmother still found time, and I hope happiness, in having an affair with another man and even in her old age, she still had a younger gentleman friend.
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? I really want to go to Cornwall and see the mining areas where my ancestors were from. This seems to be a quite different area from the rest of England. The West Bromwich area of Staffordshire is another area I would like to visit and also Wiltshire. We are talking of going over in 2012 so I really need to give this more thought.
I would also like to go to Minnesota in the US where my Norwegian ggg grandfather is buried and I have another ggg grandfather buried in Canada (still tracking him but possibly Nova Scotia).
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? These days the Internet and it is hard to think how we did any research back in the late 1970s and 1980s. I have managed to break down a number of my old brick walls with the ability to search census records online. However it is important to remember that not everything is online.
I don't think you can really go past BDM certificates as a favourite resource as they give so much information that allows you to really prove your research. Of course with my ancestors backgrounds I would also have to say court and prison records are also a big favourite.
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? Legacy Family Tree - used to be Brothers Keeper before I made the change.
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? No
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Ancestry, Facebook, GenealogyWise, Genes Reunited, LinkedIn, MyHeritage , Twitter.
Do you have a blog? Yes
What are your blogs' URLs?
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? I like fishing, gardening, reading, cooking and travelling. We have family all over Australia and now that we are both (sort of) retired we are doing more of those activities. I have all our genealogy on the laptop so I can still do that away from home.
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy? Reading
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? The Poldark novels
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ?
If you have anything else to share please add it below. I need to scan more of my paper based records and photographs so that I always have them with me but more importantly, I have backups of those paper based records and photographs. While I have draft family histories for most of my families, I need to finalise them so that the knowledge I have on the families is not lost to future generations.
Everyone who is researching their family should think about how they are going to leave their family history records and who to - before it is too late!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Paul Willis
Whenever someone leaves a comment on my blog I take a look at his/her profile.
Paul Willis' profile led me to his very attractive and information rich genealogy website. As I wanted to find more about the man behind the site I sent Paul an invitation to submit a profile to GeniMates.
Thanks, Paul, for your prompt response and for sharing your story with us.
Date 29 April 2011
Name Paul Willis
Hometown Hawkhurst, Kent, UK, but now living in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, UK
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Very keen [almost obsessive] Hobbyist!
What is your day job? I'm a Civil Servant, working in a Job Centre
How long have you been chasing ancestors? Since January 2008
How did you get hooked on genealogy? It all started after I was diagnosed with depression in 2008 and was off work for three months. I took the opportunity to stay with my parents in the Scottish Highlands and while they dug out the research my dad had done in to the family history back in the 1970s. He hadn't been able to get very far (no Internet in those days!) but there was also a bundle of old photos and letters which fascinated me. In particular a four-page letter from my grandmother's sister, Lizzie, to her family written in 1919 when she was employed as a domestic servant in a house in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. As I read it I was fascinated by the mention of my grandmother's name and those of her parents and siblings, but also intrigued by the reference to members of the household where she was working. Following a lot of research I was able to finally set out a full picture of the context and background to the letter. Its now on my website at
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? I can honestly say I've had no formal or informal training. I've picked up everything I know from my own journey into my family's history - through magazines, books and hints from others.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? I woudn't say I have one, but I guess I have become quite good at researching the lives of those from my family tree who died during the two World Wars. I set up a separate website called 'The Roll of Honour' to set out this research. I've been able to set out there in hopefully a reverent way the details of each individual and as much information as possible, including links to their service records, and their entry on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.
Its been humbling to discover their stories, in particular instances where brothers were killed in action, or those who died while still in their teens, or left behind young families.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. To be honest I have no connection to any Genealogy Societies.... I am somewhat at a disadvantage living so far from my geographical area of study!
What are the lands of your ancestors? My ancestors come predominantly from the area around the East Kent coast in England. One strand (my dad's mother's paternal line) comes from South Devon but yep for the most part everyone is rooted in Dover!
What Family Names are you Researching? Willis, Hopper, Huggins, Gurnsey, Greenland, Kingsnorth, Nicholls (thats the Devon connection!), Collard, Harvey, Hare are the main ones.
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? A difficult question with so many to choose from! I have links going back to the knights of Normandy so I could choose one of them! But at the moment my favourite is alot closer to home - my Great-Grandfather, William Nicholls (1870-1932). He was born in East Allington, a tiny village in Devon, but within two years he and his parents and older sister were living in Fort St George in Madras, India. His father was a Gunner in the Royal Artillery and had been stationed there after completing his training in Essex the previous year.
William's father died sometime between 1876 and 1878, and his mother Ellen married John Gorman - another Gunner - in Bengal in 1878. In 1880 the family were in Burma where William's half-brother John was born; no mention of them in the 1881 Census, but in 1883 they were in Dover Castle Barracks, where Patrick - another half-brother - was born.
In 1891 William was 23 and a boarding with a family in Dover, while his mother and step-family were living in Devon! He married his sweetheart, Susannah Kingsnorth in 1895 in Faversham in north Kent and the couple went on the have seven children. Two of those children died, and of the remaining five only one (my grandmother) went on to marry - and only then when she was 41 years old!
The full story can be read here:
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? I'd love to go back to Dover again. Although I wasn't born in the town and have never actually lived there, I have wonderful memories of visiting both sets of grandparents there in the 1970s and 1980s as its the area where my parents grew up. I did go back in 2008 for a week to do some family history research but another visit would be great!
Also, I would love to visit the town of West Newbury in Massachusetts USA. Its where a whole branch of the Willis family settled after emigrating from the Kent village of Barham back in the 1830s and 1840s.
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? I have to resist saying 'the internet!' and instead say that my favourite resource has to be people! Since starting my research I've made contact with over 100 people who have also been researching their part of the tree and we've been able to share information and media with each other, and realise that we are related - albeit 2nd, 3rd or 4th cousins, or whatever!
I would also mention a book called 'The Genealogist's Internet' written by Peter Christian ( which is about as comprehensive a round-up of online genealogical resources as you're likely to find
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? I tend to use my online site (Editor's note: TNG) to record additions and updates, but also have a copy of Personal Ancestral File [PAF] on my laptop for those 'offline' periods!
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL?

What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Facebook, Genes Reunited
Do you have a blog? No
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Watching movies, reading my Amazon Kindle, watching TV shows to do with history, watching episodes of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' on DVD...
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy Spending time with family...
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? "Dover Harbour" by Thomas Armstrong, published in the 1940s. A historical novel set in the town during the turn of the 19th Century...
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? I suppose take life as it comes, seek the good in everyone, treat people as you would like to be treated, and never lose your sense of humour!
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Paul Willis |
Whenever someone leaves a comment on my blog I take a look at his/her profile.
Paul Willis' profile led me to his very attractive and information rich genealogy website. As I wanted to find more about the man behind the site I sent Paul an invitation to submit a profile to GeniMates.
Thanks, Paul, for your prompt response and for sharing your story with us.
Date 29 April 2011
Name Paul Willis
Hometown Hawkhurst, Kent, UK, but now living in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, UK
Are you a Hobbyist or Professional Genealogist? Very keen [almost obsessive] Hobbyist!
What is your day job? I'm a Civil Servant, working in a Job Centre
How long have you been chasing ancestors? Since January 2008
How did you get hooked on genealogy? It all started after I was diagnosed with depression in 2008 and was off work for three months. I took the opportunity to stay with my parents in the Scottish Highlands and while they dug out the research my dad had done in to the family history back in the 1970s. He hadn't been able to get very far (no Internet in those days!) but there was also a bundle of old photos and letters which fascinated me. In particular a four-page letter from my grandmother's sister, Lizzie, to her family written in 1919 when she was employed as a domestic servant in a house in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. As I read it I was fascinated by the mention of my grandmother's name and those of her parents and siblings, but also intrigued by the reference to members of the household where she was working. Following a lot of research I was able to finally set out a full picture of the context and background to the letter. Its now on my website at
What, if any, formal or informal studies have you undertaken that are relevant to genealogical research? I can honestly say I've had no formal or informal training. I've picked up everything I know from my own journey into my family's history - through magazines, books and hints from others.
What are your areas of Expertise in Genealogy? I woudn't say I have one, but I guess I have become quite good at researching the lives of those from my family tree who died during the two World Wars. I set up a separate website called 'The Roll of Honour' to set out this research. I've been able to set out there in hopefully a reverent way the details of each individual and as much information as possible, including links to their service records, and their entry on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.
Its been humbling to discover their stories, in particular instances where brothers were killed in action, or those who died while still in their teens, or left behind young families.
Please outline your involvement in Genealogy Societies and Groups. To be honest I have no connection to any Genealogy Societies.... I am somewhat at a disadvantage living so far from my geographical area of study!
What are the lands of your ancestors? My ancestors come predominantly from the area around the East Kent coast in England. One strand (my dad's mother's paternal line) comes from South Devon but yep for the most part everyone is rooted in Dover!
What Family Names are you Researching? Willis, Hopper, Huggins, Gurnsey, Greenland, Kingsnorth, Nicholls (thats the Devon connection!), Collard, Harvey, Hare are the main ones.
Who is your favourite ancestor? Why? A difficult question with so many to choose from! I have links going back to the knights of Normandy so I could choose one of them! But at the moment my favourite is alot closer to home - my Great-Grandfather, William Nicholls (1870-1932). He was born in East Allington, a tiny village in Devon, but within two years he and his parents and older sister were living in Fort St George in Madras, India. His father was a Gunner in the Royal Artillery and had been stationed there after completing his training in Essex the previous year.
William's father died sometime between 1876 and 1878, and his mother Ellen married John Gorman - another Gunner - in Bengal in 1878. In 1880 the family were in Burma where William's half-brother John was born; no mention of them in the 1881 Census, but in 1883 they were in Dover Castle Barracks, where Patrick - another half-brother - was born.
In 1891 William was 23 and a boarding with a family in Dover, while his mother and step-family were living in Devon! He married his sweetheart, Susannah Kingsnorth in 1895 in Faversham in north Kent and the couple went on the have seven children. Two of those children died, and of the remaining five only one (my grandmother) went on to marry - and only then when she was 41 years old!
The full story can be read here:
What ancestral city or town would you like to visit? Why? I'd love to go back to Dover again. Although I wasn't born in the town and have never actually lived there, I have wonderful memories of visiting both sets of grandparents there in the 1970s and 1980s as its the area where my parents grew up. I did go back in 2008 for a week to do some family history research but another visit would be great!
Also, I would love to visit the town of West Newbury in Massachusetts USA. Its where a whole branch of the Willis family settled after emigrating from the Kent village of Barham back in the 1830s and 1840s.
What is your favourite resource for genealogy? I have to resist saying 'the internet!' and instead say that my favourite resource has to be people! Since starting my research I've made contact with over 100 people who have also been researching their part of the tree and we've been able to share information and media with each other, and realise that we are related - albeit 2nd, 3rd or 4th cousins, or whatever!
I would also mention a book called 'The Genealogist's Internet' written by Peter Christian ( which is about as comprehensive a round-up of online genealogical resources as you're likely to find
Do you keep your genealogy files on paper? Yes
Do you keep your genealogy files on a computer? Yes
What genealogy software do you use to record your family tree? I tend to use my online site (Editor's note: TNG) to record additions and updates, but also have a copy of Personal Ancestral File [PAF] on my laptop for those 'offline' periods!
Do you have your tree posted on the internet? Yes
If Yes What is the URL?
What Social Networking Sites do you use for genealogy? Facebook, Genes Reunited
Do you have a blog? No
What are your Other Hobbies, Activities, Interests? Watching movies, reading my Amazon Kindle, watching TV shows to do with history, watching episodes of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' on DVD...
What is your favourite lesiure time activity apart from genealogy Spending time with family...
What is your favourite (non genealogy) book? "Dover Harbour" by Thomas Armstrong, published in the 1940s. A historical novel set in the town during the turn of the 19th Century...
What is your personal philosophy in a few words ? I suppose take life as it comes, seek the good in everyone, treat people as you would like to be treated, and never lose your sense of humour!
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